Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wed 1st September. 2010 - Day 96 - Margaret River

At about 11am we did a quick trip to Coles Supermarket & then set off for Smiler & Pat's place. Smiler cut Grandee's hair at the caravan park at Cable Beach, Broome. We had become good friends and they had invited us over to their place for lunch.
After the 7km drive we decided to have a quick look along the coast then returned to the road leading to S & P's. On turning the corner we immediately saw their number & turned into their drive which wandered through the bush. After a few minutes we arrive at their lovely house & garden which was on a sloping setting. Grandee spotted Smiler in the garden, we had arrived before he had a chance to change his clothes.
After greetings, Smiler & Pat gave us a tour of their absolutely beautiful garden which ended up with Smiler & I on the roof of the house, to get a better view of the coast. It was certainly a great view although the view from their back patio was almost as good. Over the thirty odd years since they had built the house the trees have grown & spoilt some of the views.
After the tour we went inside & had a lovely light lunch. Then Smiler bundled us into his car & gave us a comprehensive tour along the coast, where I was able to take some good photos.
After about an hour we returned to their house where we had a cup of coffee, after which we said our sad goodbyes.
We returned to our home where we settled in for the night.


  1. Guys, What has happened to the Happy Hours - after all you are in WINE COUNTRY??? And I hate drinking by myself.

    Thanks for your phone call, it is really good to talk to you, seeing you are so far away.

    Enjoy! love Jan

  2. We were wondering about the colour - we thought you might have joined us a la natural mob.

    The walk on Sunday was great - we had a fine time and the weather was just perfect.

    We raised about $1,100.00 at the Charity night last Thursday, so it is all a go! Cheers
